Cheap rank tracker - MarketingTracer

MarketingTracer is the number 1 cheap rank tracker on the market today! Our Rank Tracker is simple, easy to use and will update your rankings daily. The tool is perfect for competitive niches and Webmasters that would like to take full control over their Google serp results!
We offer a free trial and will help you to track your keyword positioning for Google’s search engine results page.

Why would you need serp tracking?

First of all SEO is circular. Content that ranks gets noticed and trusted. Trusted content attracts backlinks and backlinks boost your ranking.
Secondly: monitoring keywords will help you detect trends. Strong content clusters that speak to your audience will likely rank higher while poor or irrelevant content will rank lower. Your serp results are a reflection of your 'audience fit'
The best way to achieve better rankings is to monitor a large selection of keywords over time. Identify pages that rank well and use this information to improve pages that yield less results. Identify keywords that consistently rank well and create more content around these keywords.

How to use the rank tracker?

First add your URL to our site. Next add your list of keywords or phrases. We will immediately start checking your Google rankings. We keep a detailed history of your keyword positions for all keywords including all the positions and urls you have ever ranked for.

Compare our prices

MarketingTracer isn’t just amazingly versatile, it’s also more than reasonably priced. Since we offer much more then just a rank tracker we decided to offer our rank tracker at cost price. Because we track millions of keywords every day we can take full advantage of scaling.
The Rank Tracker is part of the complete package of SEO tools. However, the use of MarketingTracer is already cheaper if you only want to use a rank tracker. Why? We don't know either. Retrieving search results is not that expensive if you handle it efficiently. These are the prices of our rank tracker, and of our colleagues with based on 1000 keywords.

Price Fair use policy Intelligent alerts
MarketingTracer €18.75 Yes Yes $99.00 No No €62.00 No No $79.00 No No $50.00 No No

Simple intuitive core features

The user interface is simple, features are numerous, and ranking info is accurate. But that is not all you get from an inexpensive rank tracking tool. We also offer:

  • Daily Google updates
  • Desktop and Mobile results
  • Check your competitors ranking as well
  • SEO Health score to quickly detect (hidden) ranking drops
  • Sortable results by label, volume, difficulty and CPC
  • Customizable SERP reports

Free 14-day trial

MarketingTracer smart A.I. tool shows you what you need to rank. Then we'll help you get it done.

Start your 14-day trial >>
  • No credit card required
  • No installation needed
  • No strings attached